Sunday, October 3, 2010

39 Weeks Today

Today little Leopold and I are 39 weeks, just 7 days from our due date! It's hard to believe that a week or so from now I will have a little guy to keep me company everywhere I go :). I'm working on getting our hospital bag/diaper bag packed. I've gotten most of the items I want in it but still need a few things. I read somewhere this past week that babies who make it past 39 weeks gestation have healthier hearts. I also read that babies born past 40 weeks have a higher neo-natal death probability. Soo... though I'm sure there are many factors in these findings that do not apply to us, the window is now... we just need to get him out this week and all will be well!

1 comment:

  1. Just in case no one else has given you this little tid bit- Take CHAP STICK that was the best advice I got before going to the hospital. Good luck!
