I came across a portion of a book that really made an impression on me. It is about what happens when a baby cries himself to sleep during a restless night. I think a mother can tell when her baby is whining and when he needs something. But I also think that newborns do not yet know how to whine... so there will be no crying alone for our little man. This is the quote, it is from the book the "No Cry Sleep Solution":
"He awakes in a mindless terror of the silence, the motionlessness. He screams. He is afire from head to foot with want, with desire, with intolerable impatience. He gasps for breath and screams until his head is filled and throbbing with the sound. He screams until his chest aches, until his throat is sore. He can bear the pain no more and his sobs weaken and subside. He listens. He opens and closes his fists. He rolls his head from side to side. Nothing helps. (...) He begins to cry again, but it is too much for his strained throat; he soon stops. He waves his hands and kicks his feet. He stops, able to suffer, unable to think, unable to hope. He listens. Then he falls asleep again."
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